Spotlight! honored with the 2024 Community Award

On August 3, 2024, we were honored with the prestigious Audience Award at the Diversity Lab Community Awards. This annual award is given to projects that demonstrate exceptional commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Diversity Lab Community Award: A Prize for Lasting Change

Diversity Lab GmbH aims to bring more diversity into the workplace through targeted empowerment initiatives and projects. As part of the “Together Award 2024,” projects that demonstrate measurable and sustainable results in the areas of diversity and inclusion were recognized. The award is intended to support projects that extend beyond company boundaries and promote innovative approaches in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI).

Award for Spotlight! and Founder Sophia Tran

The award ceremony on August 3, 2024, was complemented by a Barcamp, bringing together participants from the fields of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. “This award affirms our belief that diversity and cultural innovation in the tech industry are not just possible but essential,” said Sophia Tran, founder of Spotlight! Tran added, “It is a great honor to receive the Audience Award at the Diversity Lab Community Awards. We will continue to work towards creating a platform where creative and diverse voices are heard.”

Representatives from organizations such as Obi, Prout at Work, DKB, and BVG also used the event for networking and exchange. The Barcamp provided a space for collaborative work on DEI challenges and for sharing knowledge.

Acknowledgements and Future Developments

We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone involved for their invaluable support and commitment. Special thanks go to the jury, consisting of Ali Can, Nathalie Marie Pérez Sievers, Nina Fuchs, and Asmahan Gamgami, who undertook the challenging task of selecting the award winners from numerous projects.

Looking ahead, we plan to collaborate with Diversity Lab GmbH on additional projects aimed at fostering networking and collaboration within the community. These future initiatives will promote exchange and drive further progress in the areas of diversity and inclusion.