we build & connect a diverse tomorrow

Gender gap in the German startup ecosystem

Gendergap im deutschen Startup-Ökosystem

The newly released German Startup Monitor 2024 offers exciting insights into the current state of startups in Germany. The focus is particularly on topics like diversity and inclusion, especially the decline in the percentage of women among founders.

Diversity Management: Trend or Necessity?

Diversity Management

Is Diversity Management just a trend, or is it crucial for a company’s long-term success? Many companies use “Diversity” and “Inclusion” in their marketing strategies. But how seriously do they actually take effective Diversity Management?

Female Tech Founders: Pioneers of Tomorrow

Gründerinnen in der Tech-Branche

Anyone who thinks the tech world is dominated only by men is mistaken. Female founders are the pioneers shaping the future of technology. But why are they so rare? What unique challenges do they face? Let’s explore the reality and find ways to create a more equitable tech world.

Diversity Awareness: Start Successfully!

Diversity Awareness im Unternehmen: So gelingt der Start

In an increasingly connected world, more companies are understanding the importance of diversity. But how can Diversity Awareness be established from the beginning within a company? Here are some tips for fostering a culture of openness and respect that promises long-term success.

Strategies for Successful Diversity Recruiting

Strategien für erfolgreiches Diversity Recruiting

Diversity recruiting is becoming increasingly vital in the globalized job market. Companies that actively seek diverse talent benefit from a broader range of ideas and enhanced innovation capabilities. In this article, we will explore proven strategies to build a diverse and inclusive workforce.

How Allyship Promotes Diversity and Inclusion

Wie Allyship Diversität und Inklusion fördert

Allyship, the active support of marginalized groups by privileged individuals, is crucial for diversity and inclusion in organizations. This practice involves actions that create a more equitable work environment. This article explores the significance of allyship, supported by data, facts, and strategies.

Success Factors for Diversity Initiatives in Startups

Erfolgsfaktoren für Diversity-Initiativen in Startups

Diversity initiatives are crucial for startups. In a globalized world, companies that embrace diversity benefit from more creative ideas and increased attractiveness as employers. This article highlights the key success factors for implementing diversity initiatives in startups.

Success Stories of Inclusion in European Tech Companies

Erfolgsbeispiele für Inklusion in europäischen Tech-Unternehmen

Inclusion in the tech industry is not only an ethical goal but also a crucial factor for economic success. European tech companies are increasingly embracing diversity initiatives to create a varied and inclusive work environment.

Is the German tech industry diverse enough?

The German technology industry drives innovation and economic growth. But in a globalized world, the question of diversity and inclusion is becoming increasingly pressing. Is the German tech industry really as diverse as it should be?